Monday, August 17, 2009

Woman in Media

The media in Bangladesh are still conquered by male. Men occupy positions, and at all levels. Yet a recent trend of more women making a career out of journalism also indicates that the profession requires a serious gender balance in the age of information revolution. What is particularly encouraging is that they are proving their worth in this challenging profession. Although media organizations are increasingly opening up to them, an ideal gender balance is yet to be reached.

Backwardness of women in journalism, both print and electronic, is commonly ascribed to lack of security. Despite strong soliciting on the need of gender empowerment in media, print media still falls behind while electronic media evolve with a difference. In electronic media, woman are using actually for branding in a sense. They are not in higher level post.

Health communication

Health communication is the method by which health messages are communicated from experts in the medical and public health fields to the people who can be helped by these messages. Health communication is concerned with “the powerful roles performed by human and mediated communication in health care delivery and health promotions”. Clear communication is essential to successful public health practice at every level of the ecological model; intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, organizational, and societal. At each level there are a variety of communication channels which must be considered, from face-to-face to mass communications. The social contexts in which health communications occur are also widely varied and can include homes, schools, doctor’s offices, and workplaces.

The 4ps of Social Marketing

For example
• Product: new HIV testing kit; released by a credible research agency
• Price: free for trial use
• Place: widely and evenly distributed throughout states using state and local health departments
Promotion: national media publicizes to public; journals inform medical community