Behavior change communication is a process of development communication to change positive behaviors which are suitable to the target audience. On the other hand BCC refers to provide supportive environment to enable people to commence and sustain the behavior.Two types of behavioral theories are important for BCC program, theories of behavioral prediction and theories of behavior change. Predictive theories address why people change behavior. They identify what prompts people to perform (or not perform) a health-related behavior. In contrast, behavior change theories explain how people change behavior. They describe the “stages” that individuals may go through as they change their behavior.
The common roles of BCC:• Encourage Community Dialogue
• Reduce discrimination
• Create demand for information and services
• Promote services for prevention, care and support
• Improve skills and sense of self-efficiency
Actually the behavior change communication is an development communication approach pity much similar to Media Advocacy or Social marketing but the variation is in this process is about the main objective here is to bring individual level change in thought process. This individual level change which will effect largely on the mass if behavior change communication gets successful in action.