Sunday, June 7, 2009

Different Paradigms of Development Communication:

There are three different types of paradigms-

Modernization: This is the oldest paradigm, which started after the World War II. The concept or the idea of this was to "modernize" Underdeveloped countries by making them follow the footsteps of a richer stronger country, in spite of of their race, culture, economy and religion. It’s never emphasis on their own culture, they just want to make the road, which will flow by the under develop country.

Dependency: 1960 when the other paradigm took place called Dependency paradigm, by opposing "Modernization Paradigm". The basic concept of this paradigm also continued in the linear one way model, but they had a little emphasized on the link between communication and culture.

Participation: The latest one still exists. It’s actually emerged when the "modernization and dependency" unsuccessful to give a successful model. The model started to work, with the participation of all the people. It gives value to the peoples cultural, social & political view.